ThiS Is My BLog, I CaN WrItE WhaTeVeR I WaNt~ If YoU FeeL ANnOyEd Or UnComForTabLe WitH aLL My cRap, YoU CaN JusT Go aWaY ~Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~i dUn giVe a DAMN on wUt ppL ThiNk aBoUt Me...

Monday, November 2, 2009

visit @ TV3...part1


ari 2 my class ade wat visit kat tv3...
best sgt2...
coz dpt jumpe artis2 kat sne...
first time tau aku g sne...
korg xcye?
korg g la jugak...
jom layan aku punye pic kat bawah nie...
ade aku snap2...
tp yg boleh uplodenya ckit je...
coz yg lain xleh masok...
server internet xelok...
jom layan...
mse nie kitorg bru smpai...

geng2 kls aku yg pegi...

comel kan pic ni?cm btol2 msok tv je...hihi
tp kan...
kakak kat ctu ckp...
bila kite dh masok dlm tu...
kite akan jd kembang...
so...tgklah kekembangan kitorg 2...


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